Gout and Acupuncture
Acupuncture is found effective for the treatment of acute gout attacks. An important acupuncture technique was found particularly helpful in the reduction of pain and inflammation. In findings published in research entitled Clinical Observation on Treatment of Acute Gout with Acupuncture, the surround-acupuncture technique significantly boosted treatment efficacy for acute gout attack relief.
The study demonstrates that acupuncture, especially the surround-needling technique, improves blood circulation and reduces inflammation. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) principles, acupuncture was found effective for the alleviation of dampness and heat during acute gout attacks. While seemingly archaic and mysterious, the terms dampness and heat have direct correlates in current biomedical semantics. Dampness refers to swelling and edema associated with gout, including uric acid crystal buildup in tissues. Heat is a broad term often referring to inflammation.